Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Here’s a few on the health care issue.

Obama must be stupid. He’s still trying to push this crap even after the American people said hell no.


The K Street Tax Cheat Who’s Lobbying to Save Obamacare

by Michelle Malkin

Tom Daschle is the human toe fungus of Washington — a persistent infection that may disappear from time to time, but always comes back with a vengeance.

Inflation and Deficits

by Walter E. Williams

With the massive increases in federal spending, inflation is one of the risks that awaits us. To protect us from the political demagoguery that will accompany that inflation, let’s now decide what is and what is not inflation. One price or several prices rising is not inflation.

What Van Jones Tells Us About President Obama

by Ben Shapiro

On Monday, Sept. 7, 2009, President Obama’s hand-picked “green jobs czar,” Van Jones, resigned. The media, which ignored all of Van Jones’ foibles back when President Obama appointed him in March, has determined that there’s nothing more to report here. Except that one unanswered question remains: Why did the White House appoint Jones in the first place?

Gay Marriage Rage

by Maggie Gallagher

I was in Maine on the day that marriage qualified for the ballot this November. I went to Maine as president and founder of the National Organization for Marriage, which helped local groups organize the signature drive in Maine, as we did in California for Proposition 8.

Listening to a Liar

Ignore the lofty rhetoric: Obamacare is about the government accumulating power.

By Thomas Sowell

The most important thing about what anyone says is not the words themselves but the credibility of the person saying them.

The words of convicted swindler Bernie Madoff were apparently quite convincing to many people who were regarded as knowledgeable and sophisticated. If you go by words, you can be led into anything.

Speaking of failure. Here’s a few on the Obamacare boondoggle.

Halfway to Where? Answering the Key Questions of Health Care Reform

by Michael D. Tanner

Although neither the House nor the Senate passed a health care bill by President Obama’s August deadline, various pieces of legislation have made it through committee, and they provide a concrete basis for analyzing what the proposed health care reform would and would not do.

Power to the Patients, Please

By Kyle-Anne Shiver With Dr. Joseph Spooner

Presenting the American people with the utterly false choice of a my-way reform vs. no reform whatsoever has backfired precisely because it was blatantly dishonest in the first place.

Obama’s Dog of a Health Care Message

By Sammy Benoit

Having spent much of the past thirty years of my life in the advertising industry, the flaws of President Obama’s health care message are apparent and massive.

ObamaCare: More Point and Counterpoint

By Frank S. Rosenbloom, M.D.

This article is the second of a point / counterpoint series on Mr. Obama’s health care plan.

ObamaCare’s Crippling Deficits

By Martin Feldstein

The higher taxes, debt payments and interest rates needed to pay for health reform mean lower living standards.

While the deficits caused by the fiscal stimulus package will end in 2011 and will help to sustain a fragile recovery in 2010, the deficits projected for the longer term are a threat to our economic future. The starting point for controlling those future deficits is for Congress to abandon the administration’s health-care plan—a plan that will cost more than $1 trillion.

Whoa, Trigger

The latest gimmick to disguise a health-care ‘public option.’

President Obama has decided that another oration will rejuvenate his health-care agenda—despite having given 27 speeches entirely on health care, and another 92 in which it figured prominently. We’ll see how tomorrow night’s Congressional appeal works out, but the important maneuvers are taking place in the cloak rooms, as the White House tries to staple together a majority.

Do we really want government to go there?

By Dennis Byrne

While the hawker in chief chilled on Martha’s Vineyard, we enjoyed a week of peace and quiet, but now President Barack Obama has accelerated back to full voice as he speaks to America’s schoolchildren Tuesday and to a joint session of Congress Wednesday.

While the supposedly non-partisan speech to children is controversial enough, the speech to Congress should be a doozy. In it, opponents of Obama’s health-care vision will finally find out what his health-care vision is. Despite the president having given nearly 30 speeches on health-care reform, Americans still don’t know exactly what he wants. Truth is, Obama set up Congress for a fall by letting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her liberal allies front his radical re-creation of America’s health-care system in the form of the proposed America’s Affordable Health Choices Act. As Americans have come to better understand the legislation, its popularity has dropped, along with the public approval rating of Pelosi and her congressional allies.

Another Snowe Job


Health Care: In the wake of a public outcry effectively killing the “public option,” who comes along to try to revive socialistic health reform? The definitive Republican In Name Only — Sen. Olympia Snowe.


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