Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weekend Whiteout

It’s Friday!  And all I see outside my window is a white blurry mess, so clearly mother nature wants me to hibernate tonight.  Darn. 

No worries though, I got in some good out-of-the-classroom friend time this week and still got big, big plans for this weekend:

  • Saturday Morning:  Drag my lazy ass to Economics Library, since I pawned my book for a bracelet (totally worth it.)
  • Saturday Afternoon: Watch Sidney Crosby score ninety-thousand goals against the Montreal Canadiens.
  • Saturday Night: Umm…yeah I’ve got nothing, but I’m working on it.  I swear.


  • Sunday Morning:  Sleep off massive feeling of relaxation, most likely due to a night of Lifetime movies and an H2O power hour.
  • Sunday Afternoon: Watch the epic battle of Crosby vs. Ovechkin.
  • Sunday Night:  Get reminded AGAIN that the Steelers’ loss to the Browns kept them out of the playoffs…Seriously. Depressing.

That is all.  Good luck trying to top it.  Happy Weekend from the Arctic Circle. :)


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