Saturday, February 20, 2010

Family Survival in Tough Times

I’ve often detailed on this blog the tough economic times that are ahead for many people –some are already there. Since I’ve defined the problem, it would be good to look at how it affects the basic group unit above the individual level and provide some possible strategies for weathering the storm ahead. Many authors have addressed basic survival of the family unit in the sense of stockpiling food and maintaining a secure home. Charles Hugh Smith took families to the next level in his book Survival+ in the sense of placing them in small communities with a common supportive philosophy.

In Operation SERF I used many families (one in particular) scattered across the USA and placed them in a fictional scenario of a long economic collapse followed by a civil war. The families ranged from the anonymous poor to the well-connected and powerful. This was based on my years of experience as both a health care provider serving America’s urban and rural areas for many years and as a former soldier who served in Iraq. Through this experience I had the chance to see the effects of different things that can happen in life at both the individual and family levels and how larger factors far beyond the control of those families can affect their larger communities and a nation as a whole.

With all those things in mind, I would like to begin posting some of my current thoughts on the topic of Family Survival in Tough Times beginning on Monday, Feb 22, 2010. I might do this for one day or an entire week –it just depends where the topic takes me. Please stay tuned for more. Thank you.


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