Thursday, February 18, 2010

Drugs (cartoon) and User Activism (report)

In case you’re not getting enough laughs on a daily basis… enjoy!

BBC Cartoon video about Drugs

And now seriously folks, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Network has produced On the Road to Activism, an excellent 76 page report on drug user activism (with a special focus on Eastern European countries). Download your copy here – it’s worth it just for the fantastic photos of junky graffiti.

And on an equally serious note, check out The Budgetary Implications of Drug Prohibition (2008) by Harvard University Department of Economics Professor Jeffrey Miron. Although focused on U.S. stats regarding the wastefulness of prohibition, it addresses the potential for Tax Revenue from Drug Legalization which is the sort of exploration that is critical when arguing for realistic alternatives to the dismal status quo.


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