Saturday, December 12, 2009

Winter Break = Freedom

Classes are over, finals are finished, papers are complete… and I’m finally on winter break! For the next three and a half weeks I am off. This will give me plenty of time to reflect on the Q1 and make the necessary adjustments to be more successful in Q2.

Favorite class: Managerial Economics with Professor Campbell.

Least favorite class: Data Analysis.

Overall, this quarter was amazing. I met a lot of great individuals and I really stretched myself by taking subjects in which I had no prior knowledge. Accounting was tough, but I survived. I hear Cost Accounting next quarter is even harder, so that should be fun. My professional speaking class really improved my public speaking skills and I feel much more comfortable speaking in front of large audiences.

I’ll reflect more on Q1 a little later. Now it is time to relax. I should also have plenty of time to blog over the next three weeks… although I won’t have anything to blog about. Stay tuned, I’m sure something will come to mind.


This post was republished from Joseph Fahrendorf’s Fisher College of Business blog.


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