Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tom Hayden's bumper sticker and the Bearded Spock universe

Tom Hayden, an icon of the Left and Jane Fonda’s former husband, wrote today in The Nation that he utterly disillusioned with the president’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. He has announced to the world that he is immediately and forthwith removing the bumper sticker he put on his car during the election. It’s sort of like the Pope saying that sin is bad, I guess. After all, Hayden made his reputation as one of the most prominent leaders of the antiwar movement in the 60’s. I guess bumper sticker removal substitutes for marches on Washington under the new rules. It echoes the U.N.’s declaration during the Bosnia crisis that they would just have to pass a stronger resolution if the Serbians didn’t stop their predations. Is it just me, or is the world going mad?

The President has been condemned on all sides  for his vacillation and for his logically inconsistent Afghan decision. The growing Climategate scandal is being swept under the rug by our government. The Health Care bill is a complete mess. The Cap & Trade Bill will do nothing to address CO2 emissions. Our government is more interested in protecting the rights of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Maj. Nidal Hasan than they are with combatting terrorism. Congress seems to find one more reason to spend every day it is in session. A number of states are on the verge of bankruptcy and unemployment is at 17+%. We got problems right here in River City and our leadership is fiddling away. All of this sounds like the evil Bearded Spock Universe anyway you look at it.

Look at any of the polls now. A growing majority of the people of the United States feel the country is on the wrong track. And yet, when Joe the Plumber or your Aunt Mary the bookkeeper peacefully protest the policies of the government, supposedly moderate people like EJ Dionne decry the lack of civility as his colleagues far and wide call them teabaggers. For the record, teabagging is a term referring to an explicit sexual act which originated in the gay community. It can be considered obscene under any standard you wish to choose, and yet it is in common use on the Left these days. Chris Matthews referred to West Point last night as “the enemy camp” when reporting on Obama’s choice of venue. And is the right being impolite?

There is a growing derangement and shrillness on the Left. So much of what we are seeing just doesn’t make sense and yet the locomotive is accelerating towards the cliff.  Even after being rocked on our heels by the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, we are seeing a complete lack of logic and common sense. We are by no means out of the woods yet, and the conduct of our leadership seems increasingly schizophrenic.

Yep, evil Bearded Spock Universe. But this time, it’s not on TV.


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