Sherriaz writes: Let’s look inside this jobless situation a little more, shall we?
Wal Mart, the largest retailer in the WORLD, now has a HIRING FREEZE in place. As people leave, they are NOT being rehired. The company also made the stores lay off their temps, most this week and the rest next week. Many cried as they were told the news, since this had been their first job in quite some time.
Many people working at Wal Mart have been managers in other industries, laid off from high paying jobs. These folks were making $45-50K and up and are now lucky if they are making $10-13 per hour. (Obviously, they are thankful to have jobs but their standard of living has been dramatically altered and many may still end up losing their homes. The banks, meanwhile, continue to do NOTHING, to help most Americans in these situations and have no problem with foreclosing and selling the properties at a loss- thanks to the taxpayer bailouts that fattened their bottom lines).
Now, if a company as successful as Wal Mart, who has continued to make money throughout this recession, is spooked enough to lay off people and stop hiring, what does that say about the REAL state of this economy?
There is NO WAY that we are even close to getting out of this recession, despite what banks and the stock market are reporting. I firmly believe that there is a lot of manipulation going on and that the market will tumble again. Jobs lagging by 4-5 YEARS is not acceptable and certainly doesn’t mean the end of a recession. BHO and the Dems are flooding the news outlets with garbage trying to prop up their efforts, which are dismal failures.
Just ask anyone who has been out of work for a year.
Editor’s note: Giving a comment its own page is a first for Seeing Red AZ, but in light of the current severe economic conditions, this one merits extra attention.
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