Monday, November 16, 2009

How will the Repubs (and Blue Dogs) respond to increases in spending for Afghanistan?

… and how did they respond to other expenses? Especially, how will they

respond to comparably lower cost of Health Care? This from

Conservatives’ (including Blue Dogs’) selective concern about deficit spending Program Cost Conservative response War in Iraq $3 trillion “No problem!” Bush tax cuts for the rich $1.8 – $2.5 trillion “No problem!” Bush bailouts $9 – $24 trillion “No problem!” Military budget $650 billion/year(about the same as the rest of the world combined) “No problem!” “Public option” health care $1.1 trillion over 10 years* “It’s not revenue neutral!” Single payer health care Would save money, improve care “It’s socialism!”

*According to the Congressional Budget Office, the health care reform bill passed by the House in November, 2009 actually saves $11 billion annually. See Deficit hawks attacking the wrong prey.

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