Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Common Sense Political Agenda For A New Conservative and Libertarian Party: American Citizens Alliance Party (ACAP)--A CAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt and Regulations!

The following is a first draft of a political agenda for a new political party that would appeal to both conservatives and libertarians that now vote for candidates of the Republican, Democratic, Libertarian, and other political parties:

1. Job Creation: reduce the tax and regulation burden of small and medium size businesses to encourage business formation, economic growth, job and wealth creation.

2. Tax Reform: replace all Federal income, payroll, capital gains, estate and gift taxes with a national consumption tax–The FairTax.

3.  Federal Budget: require balance or surplus budgets only, no more budget deficits and deficit spending and absolutely no government bailouts and subsidies to businesses.

4. Federal Government Size and Scope: Eliminate  ten Federal Departments and the Federal Reserve System and their associated programs, subsidies, unfunded state mandates and the number of Federal employees by 50%.

5. Federal Government Regulation: reduce by a least half the number and scope of government regulations.

6. Energy Independence: promote oil and gas exploration and production and nuclear power generation plant construction.

7. Education: promote competition and accountability among schools by supporting  home schooling , school choice  and vouchers for parents to pay for school tuition and fees.

8. Health Care Reform: promote tort reform by limiting economic damages and defensive medicine, interstate competition among insurance companies,  health saving accounts paired with individual high deductible health insurance plans.

9. Social Security and Medicare: place both Social Security and Medicare on a financial and actuarial sound basis and transition to individually owned and controlled Social Security Retirement Accounts and Health Saving Accounts paired with high deductible health insurance plans.

10. Immigration: no amnesty for illegal aliens, stop illegal immigration by requiring all employers to use E-Verify to determine eligibility to work in the USA, complete and patrol the entire border fence, remove and deport all criminal aliens, and limit legal immigration to 250,000 persons per year.

11. National Security: bring the troops home from around the world including Germany, Japan, South Korea., Iraq and Afghanistan and budget 5% of Gross Domestic Product for national defense  to build and train all of the military services for defense of the nation.

12. International Affairs: withdraw from the United Nations and require the United Nations to move to another country.

Background Articles and Videos United States of Amercia Government

Related Posts On Pronk Palisades A New Political Party In The United States? American Citizens Alliance Party–ACAP On Government Spending, Taxes, Debt, and Regulations! Third Party Time? Yes Provided You Have $10 Billion and 10 Years! Independents Lead The The Second American Revolution Surge–Independence Day–Saturday July 4, 2009 In Washington D.C.–Tea Party Time–On To Washington–Dare You To Move! 

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