Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hello Friends here we come up with our another write up on “SMC Gyan Series”


Here we would get into the nitty gritties of CROP FORECASTING.

Why is it required and what are the objectives of CROP ESTIMATION SURVEY?

Agriculture occupies a dominant place in the economy.

It is the main source of livelihood of the majority of the population of the country.

Making available food-grains sufficiently to this huge population of the country throughout the year is very much necessary, & this needs making an advance plan or estimation to predict crop yields.

Crop estimation is a “MUST” for agriculture.

There are number of reasons why a good estimation is required.

Accurately estimating the size of the crop will take the pictures or the scenario size of the crop just before harvest, increasing farming costs for that year.

Overestimate the size of the crop will mean that the quality or quantity may not be achieved.

Therefore for the accurate results, many research advance techniques are used.

A sort of track record is maintained for maintaining & achieving the accuracy of crop estimation.


The main objectives of the crop estimation survey are:

i. To provide estimates of area under and production of principal food and non-food crops with a high degree of precision at the block/ district/state levels.

ii. To provide estimates of productivity of different crop at block/district/state levels.

iii. To collect useful ancillary information on the existing cultivation practices in the State.

iv. To throw lights on the cropping pattern of the State/Districts/Blocks etc.

Stay Tuned for more on this where we would get to know of that what are the procedures of crop estimation survey.

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