This art exhibition is opening at the Museum of Sydney next week – it looks fascinating.
From the link above:
Skint! Making do in the Great Depression, a Museum of Sydney exhibition that opens on March 27, traces this period, which began with the New York sharemarket crash of 1929. More than 80 years later, mementoes of this period still draw an emotional response, even from those not directly affected.
An example of the items from the era is a Depression peg, which was fashioned from remnants of wire and sold door-to-door by the unemployed. In some cases men would steal wire from farm fences or suburban gates. It’s a grim reminder of how desperate people were. Another poignant symbol is the toy train made from scraps of timber, including a fence paling. It’s a prime example of the “making do” philosophy.
My grandparents were children in the Depression (in the US). They weren’t personally too badly affected, as my granddad’s family kept their farm going, and my grandma’s father kept his job (as a grocery buyer). I’ve always been very moved by stories from tis time, and will definitely be checking this exhibition out, and posting my thoughts.
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