Saturday, March 20, 2010

China, Yuan and Dollar - Part 2 : Current account- deficits and surplus

Current account:

As the name says, something is accounted for the current period of study. Usually a financial year. What do we do in accounting? Calculate inflows and outflows. Current account is exactly the same. It’s just the accounting for a country’s inflows and outflows. 

Current account = balance of trade + Income (a.k.a Factor Income) + Transfer Payments.

 Balance of trade – difference between the export and import of a country. It does not include the financial transfers or investments.

 Income- Income earned on investments made by a country abroad like interest earned or dividends received. This will be accounted as (+) value, and paid to foreigners by a country will be accounted as (-) sign. (You should note that this will take only income out of investments. Original investments/capital investments will be accounted in a different head Capital accounts) The Income, also includes the infamous Remittances made by our Non residents… (Thanks to millions of SW geeks and labors from across the globe. – We might even say a malayali chai shop or someone working in a construction site, in Arab countries, indirectly influences the Moody’s rating for India  J

 Transfer of Payments- cash transfers from abroad like foreign aid, charity aid etc… Money spent on society directly than on economy.

 So in short,

A current account deficit occurs when Imports are more than Exports (when a country’s total imports of goods, services and transfers is greater than the country’s total export of goods, services and transfers.) 

A current account surplus occurs when Exports are more than Imports. (When a country’s total exports of goods, services and transfers is greater than the country’s total import of goods, services and transfers.) 

 We (India) are in a deficit situation every year… Might be we would have been in surplus before the East India Company or the Moguls ventured in :-) . Currently our fiscal deficit stands at 5.8 billion USD.. .. needless to say, the Chinese are in huge surplus of 284 billion USD, and they say it has come down from 368 billion USD.. and guys, we have more or less the same work force compared to china….( hmm… its all the government /ruler who makes the difference…)

 In the next post , lets see about what is balance of payments…


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