Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1. TRANSPORT ECONOMICS!!! — having been a victim of traffic in the South…hehe…I’ve started to be passionate about traffic, cars, the LRT and MRT and transportation in general. I just love how mobility facilitates economic growth!

2. BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS, especially crimes haha — I am very interested with the demography of criminals and the economics behind it..It’s really very very interesting for me, especially when I read why should suicide bombers get life insurance in SuperFreakonomics…I like how economics can reveal a lot about our criminal side/our bestiality..hehe

3. INFORMATION ECONOMICS – I just found out there is such several seconds after writing the statement above. I just speculated about the possibility of its existence then when I searched it online, lo and behold! there really is such a field as information economics! Anyway, in relation to what I have just mentioned in number 2, I like how powerful information is. With economic tools I’m so sure it would even be more powerful.

[Via http://hsbcocos.wordpress.com]

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