Saturday, January 16, 2010

Separation of Race and State published a story about the increase in the number of moms as sole breadwinners.

What I found disturbing in this age and it was probably unintentional and maybe not was the racial profiling of Americans.

Some people may think it is important what a black or latino family makes as compared to oriental or caucasian, but to me that is state verification or acknowledgement that not all Americans are equal and they publish numbers illustrating the inequalities.

For example:

According to the Census data, the increase in the number of moms as the only worker was seen across all racial and ethnic groups. But it was biggest among black women, whose numbers rose from 9 percent in 2007 to 12 percent last year as black men suffered disproportionately higher rates of unemployment. The share of Hispanic moms rose from 5 percent to 8 percent, while the share of white non-Hispanic women rose from 4 percent to 7 percent and the share of Asian women grew from 5 percent to 7 percent.

According to the data, white women have less financial responsibility that a black woman.  Which makes a black woman better prepared to fend for herself than a white woman.

Anyway, if I were in one of the mentioned groups I would feel a little uncomfortable that my government is not viewing me as an equal citizen, but a citizen of race.  Like a white America, black American, non white Latino American or Oriental American.

Me, I’m a pygmy so I don’t show up on any demographic charts and am too small for the census people to take seriously.  Have you ever heard of a pygmy American?


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